
Archangel Azrael – There is Great Unrest in Your Nation

Archangel Azrael – There is Great Unrest in Your Nation

There is so much fear and uncertainty pervading our world, at a time we are supposed to be celebrating peace on Earth. In this discussion with Archangel Azrael, Angel of Death, we are reminded that humanity, specifically civilization as we know it, may cease to exist...

The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

Who are the Meek? “The meek shall inherit the Earth.” What do you think that means? My Guides have said many times… “the meek shall inherit the earth” is still the projected outcome for our world. Understand, meek does not mean weak, fragile, ignorant, or indifferent....

What Are You Grateful For?

What Are You Grateful For?

What Matters Most? Traditionally, we set aside one day each year to celebrate a giving of thanks for all that we have and hope for. On Thanksgiving Day, we usually come together as family and friends to share time, food, memories, conversation, and aspirations with...

What is Truth? (Part 2)

What is Truth? (Part 2)

Look Beyond the Illusion Four years ago, I was given a wake-up call… I was introduced to a group of high-level spirits who asked me to help save humanity… before it is too late. At first, I was shocked and then started to investigate… to look beyond the illusion… to...

Where Thought Goes… Energy Grows

Where Thought Goes… Energy Grows

Sophia, a client of mine, says this: "The net collective energy is shifting constantly, which is why consistent affirmation of the reality we want is imperative. Chronicles of Hope is powerful in that it is elevating a portion of the consciousness that needed a...

What is Truth? (Part 1)

What is Truth? (Part 1)

Actions speak louder than words. Autumn is embracing us here in New England… Mother Nature is showing us her truth. Trees are revealing their true colors… leaves are glowing with golden hues, brilliant reds are popping, and crisp oranges are making way. It is a time...

4 Steps to Lift Your Energy In Times of Uncertainty

4 Steps to Lift Your Energy In Times of Uncertainty

How do we go from mad, sad, scared, or angry to hopeful, positive, peaceful, and happy? One step at a time. To learn more and experience a shift in your energy, join me in a free webinar on Thursday, September 10 at 1:00 PM (ET). First Step… REFLECT on where you have...

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