Inspiring Hope Community
A safe place to share and explore
a positive way of living.
Our mission is to save humanity for our children and our children’s children.
Our vision is to alter humanity’s course to be more positive by sharing the insights of the Collective.
The Inspiring Hope Community offers a private membership area in addition to these public videos. Click below to become a member or to log in if you’ve already joined…
Spiritual Quest
Are you on a spiritual quest? Do you feel alone and surrounded by a sea of negativity? Have you been thinking about what is going on in the world? Are you concerned for our future? The truth is many people are being more introspective than ever. Many are asking questions. There is so much doubt, fear, and uncertainty today, with nowhere to turn for answers. The world as we know it has indeed changed. We have embarked on a new way of living that will cause us to pause and reflect on our old way of being. Will we ever return to where we were? Should we? Or, do we reset to a new way of being… a new normal?
Navigating Change
What if you had some guidelines to navigate this change? The amazing Guides of the Collective have given us specific guidelines to live our lives with the coming of a new age, a new era of peace. If you are one who loves to explore the mysteries of the unseen around us, and if you are thinking more seriously about life, we offer an amazing support group that gives you an opportunity to safely explore.
In Chronicles of Hope: The Anquietas: Book 1 – we learn how negative energy can impact our lives and the importance of shifting our energy to be more positive. The Anquietas sounded the alarm that we need to do something to shift the energy of humanity before it is too late.
In Chronicles of Hope: The Collective: Book 2 – the Wise Ones bring us timely messages that are deeply relevant to what is happening with humanity during this unprecedented time. We are living in challenging days that affect each of us in different ways. With so many fears and worries, we wonder what will come of our lives, our country, and our world.
In Chronicles of Hope: The Archangels: Book 3 – we learn the importance of asking, gratitude, and taking action. The archangels are always here to assist us, yet we must ask for their help in all that we do. They can never interfere with free will, yet are ever there ready to assist when asked.
Inspiring Hope Community
We meet via Zoom video on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm (ET). You are welcome to attend as many gatherings as your schedule allows. In our Inspiring Hope Community, we support each other and welcome those who wish to live a life of truth, honesty, and integrity. We come together to encourage each other in a place of community that is based on kindness and compassion. We hope to experience a shift in our world toward a helpful place of mindfulness, strength, and acknowledgment. We hope you will join us.
Share and Receive
In this safe space, we connect with like-minded folks who share the intention of supporting each other on this journey of life. It is through exploring, learning, and developing that we will shift our world to be more positive. Together, we share and receive the following:
- Spiritual connection – enjoy a safe place to listen, share, inquire, and be with likeminded people.
- Special Highlights – discover private excerpts of the Chronicles of Hope book series to review, reflect on, and discuss.
- Protective bubble – learn how to clear yourself to maintain personal protection from negative energy.
- Sacred space – learn how to clear and maintain positive energy in your own space.
- Guided journeys – travel on guided journeys to receive your own inner guidance.
- Roadmap for Hope – navigate daily stress with this map given by the Anquietas in Book 1.
- Guidelines for Living – empower yourself with insights revealed by the Collective in Book 2.
- Path for Empowerment – inspiring Lightworkers to shine brightly by the Archangels in Book 3.
Join this adventure of hope for humanity. Together, we can be catalysts for positive change as we bring a message of hope to our world.
Much Gratitude & Many Blessings,
Lois Hermann & Team Hope
Click Chronicles of Hope for purchase information.
Catch all video messages on our YouTube channel.
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“If we can each get two people on the right path and they get two people,
it will take little time to start a surge of energy among people.
We can make the turn-around faster by starting sparks.”
– Anquietas
Some Chronicles of Hope Highlights Videos
Ep. 010 – Would you like to know the secret of the Universe?
We must do what we do because it is the right thing to do with honesty and integrity. It is what we do while we are here that has value. We must learn to ask our guides for assistance.
Ep. 009 – What would happen if we shared hope, kindness, and even love?
To restore hope, we must know there is enough, and share our thoughts, feelings and possessions. We must reembrace truth, honesty and integrity.
Ep. 008 – Difference Between Wanting, Believing and Knowing
To raise our vibrational energy, we need to be more creative, generate our own beliefs, and follow our heart. Knowing we can do something is most important.
Ep. 007 – Amplify Your Vibrational Energy
Humans are masters of vibration and must learn ways to increase our vibrational energy by calling on assistance from higher-level beings.
Ep. 006 – Old Souls, New Souls, and Chaos
In a future vision, Earth is spiraling out of control becasue there are too many new souls with too much chaos. Old souls who bring balance have moved on.
Ep. 005 – Humans Can Heal Our Earth
Humans must stop destroying our Earth and support ways to heal the land and water before it is too late.
Ep. 004 – Apocalypse or Paradise: It Is Our Choice
Humanity is facing two outcomes; humanity will grow or perish. We can and must make a difference. Now.
Ep. 003 – Earth In Turmoil – Negativity Out of Control
Our beautiful Earth is in turmoil from all of the negativity and needs our help to achieve balance.
Ep. 002 – How Positive People Can Deal With Negative People
More enlightened people can help others to achieve balance by teaching them how to shift their energy to the positive.
Ep. 001 – How Negative Thoughts and Emotions Affect Our Bodies
Humans have so many emotions that affect their bodies in positive and negative ways. Learn ways to transform negative emotions for health and happiness.
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