The coronavirus (Covid-19) seems to be all we are hearing about on the news, and it sounds and looks very scary. Don’t you agree? Did you know that this virus has actually been around a long time? If you look on an old bottle of a disinfecting agent, you might find it listed as a virus the disinfectant kills. The major problem with being bombarded with the scare of coronavirus (and other unsettling) news is that our stress levels increase, which subsequently taxes our immune system. This is the exact opposite of what we want to happen during flu, cold, and virus season.

The immune system is the body’s defense mechanism that keeps us protected and safe from viruses and other toxins which the body unknowingly encounters. When this defense system is weakened, our body’s ability to fight infection and other invaders is compromised. Ironically, as we add the worry of coronavirus to our already extensive “worry list,” we increase our chances of getting sick.

Therefore, during particularly stressful times, it’s important to be extra aware of building up our immune system to combat the ill effects of stress on our body. Let’s face it, times are stressful. As a medical professional, I understand the importance of thorough hand-washing, which is a must to prevent any virus from entering the body if we come in contact with it. However, I believe we are overlooking an important point. A great way to fight off any virus is with a good kind of contagious: the power of a positive mindset.

There are many studies that link a positive attitude to better long-term health, and certainly, positivity is not the first line of defense when we think of coronavirus, but I see the unmistakable effects that positivity has on overall health. Washing our minds of negativity and fear may be just as important as washing our hands.

Here are some practical tips to start boosting positivity in your life today:

Connect with Nature – With many of us being indoors most of the day, we need to be extra vigilant to step outside and take in the natural beauty of our world. At a minimum, simply step outside for a few minutes, look up at the wondrous sky, take in a deep breath of fresh air, and appreciate the moment. Or better yet, take a walk, go for a hike, or participate in any outside activity that makes you happy.

Make Personal Connections – Most of us spend extensive amounts of time with technology for both work and pleasure; it’s almost unavoidable today. It’s more important than ever to have personal, face-to-face contact with other human beings. Opt for face-to-face meetings whenever possible, be sure to eat meals with others (at least once a day), and ensure your social calendar includes outings with friends, family, or pets. Continue to be attentive to hand washing and close contact with others, but don’t let the coronavirus scare you into isolation.

Smile and Laugh – Instead of watching a horror movie or murder mystery, opt for comedy. Streaming standup comedy or a sitcom and busting with laughter can be just what you need to break your solemn mood. Physically, laughter releases endorphins which boosts the immune system. So, surround yourself with family and friends who make you smile. Better yet, play a game together that ensures laughter. The old adage, “laughter is the best medicine,” rings truer than ever today.

Create with Joy – We need to use our creativity to stimulate positive thoughts and feelings. Do crafts, resurrect an old hobby, journal your thoughts, or write a book. Cook a healthy meal for your partner or family together with and make it fun. Break out the baking gear and bake a cake for a friend. Be creative in ways that make you happy, and watch the positivity in your life and others around you soar.

There are many ways for us to bring positivity into our lives and the lives of our families and friends, all the while fueling our immune systems to stay strong to help fight whatever viruses are lurking. We certainly don’t want to catch or spread any viruses. We do want to spread positivity—far and wide around the world.

Lois Hermann is a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Instructor through the National Guild of Hypnotists, a Certified NLP Trainer with the National Federation for Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a Reiki Master-Teacher, and multi-registered medical professional. Visit and

What You Aren’t Hearing About Coronavirus